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Publisher: Pocket Books (Simon & Schuster)
Release Date:
3 February 2003
ISBN: 0743457986
Format Reviewed: Large Format Paperback
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Genre: SF/TV Tie-in
Reviewed: 2003
Reviewer: Rachel A Hyde
Reviewer Notes:

Star Trek The Next Generation Companion
Larry Nemecek

     Back in 1987 when this show was first aired, it seemed impossible that the legendary 60’s series could be updated for an 80’s audience and not lose its magic. But it proved to be even more popular and ran for seven seasons before leaving fans bereft while it quit at the peak of its fame. This book gives an illustrated (black and white) and fairly in-depth look at numerous aspects of the show, from its conception to the latest film, “Star Trek Nemesis.”

     Find out how the series was originally going to look, who played whom in each episode, when it was first aired, behind-the-scenes gossip, notes about special effects and props and a guide to each storyline. As befits an “official” guide, this one is exhaustive, without overdoing it, and is likely to appeal to all types of fans, not just the hard-core ones. This is the sort of book that ought to grace the coffee table of every Star Trek fan and which would make a wonderful present. A handsomely produced, easy-to-read (it flops open obligingly and stays there) book.

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