Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Small Favor:
A Novel of the Dresden Files

by Jim Butcher

      Warning: this reviewer turns totally fangirl over Dresden Files. This latest visit to magical Chicago has wizard detective Harry Dresden playing in the snow with children - a bright, cheery beginning that turns rough fast. It seems things are heating up in the Never Never, the land of fairy, and someone wants Harry dead for something he hasn't even done yet! Then Mab, the treacherous queen of the Winter Court turns up to collect one of the two favors Harry owes her. And favors for the fae never stay small, or safe. As we've come to expect from the Dresden Files, this book brings in a huge cast of characters we've come to enjoy: Harry's vampire brother Thomas, his friend Sergeant Murphy, his student Molly Carpenter, her knight father Michael - even the not quite human mercenary Kincaid and his charge, the archive, and even a new possible love interest for the ever hopeful Dresden. This group keeps Harry moving fast and in the middle of total catastrophe constantly - just what we expect from Dresden. It's never easy for Harry, physically or morally, but we know he'll get by with a lot of help from his friends - and that balance of conflict and touching loyalty makes the novel warm as well as tense. Small Favor holds that tasty balance of edgy noir and fantasy that keeps Dresden fans coming back - and, as always, we can count on Harry for great one-liners in the face of total catastrophe at every plot twist. Butcher manages to make us totally believe in these characters and their incredible feats - in the words of Harry Dresden, "It's amazing what you can get use to if your daily allowance of bizarre is high enough." Small Favor will help keep your daily allowance right where you need it for maximum reading pleasure.

The Book

Roc, an imprint of Penguin
April 2008
Hardcover, reviewed from ARC
0451461894 / 9780451461896
More at

The Reviewer

Jan Fields
Reviewed 2008
NOTE: Reviewer Jan Fields is the editor of Kid Magazine Writers emagazine and has written dozens of stories and articles for the children's magazine market.
© 2008