Another Review at MyShelf.Com

A Foreigner Novel, No 12
C.J. Cherry

April 5, 2011/ ISBN 0756406544

Reviewed by Nicole Merritt

Twelfth in the series, the Foreigner universe is still busy at work. All the characters are by now like old friends and loyal readers will more than likely enjoy the new intrigue set before Bren Cameron with his opponent Lord Machigi. Machigi has never before seen a human and it is Bren’s job to negotiate an end to the civil war with the Western Association.

I would say that if you are new to the series as I am you should probably not start here, as you will be lost in the battle. I have read many a series that I started mid-way and found them still very good and easy to follow. This one, however, may give the reader a challenge because of all the political implications.

With sixty books to her credit, yes I said her; author C.J. seems to have gotten it right. This book, 12th in this series, is as good as the first, according to avid followers. I would give it a try if you like sci-fi, but pick up the first few and read them so you can follow all the factions. I am sure it would make it much more fun and keep you from scratching your head with the pages.

Reviewed 2011
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