Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Burn Down the Sky
James Jaros

Harper Voyager
May 2011/ ISBN 9780062011300
Suspense / Apocalyse

Reviewed by Barbara Buhrer

The Vicca virus is unleashed against humanity. The Vicca virus renders the act of sexual intercourse deadly except in one instance: Sex is safe only in the 12 months after a girl has started her first period. Young girls have become the most important commodity on Earth. The young survivors have attracted a band of men who are harvesting young girls. Main character Jessie is a survivor with two young daughters. One daughter is captured by the band of men. With her other daughter she sets out to storm the marauders' stronghold and rescue her and other victims. The journey across the barren devastated land in the company of other desperate people is a perilous one almost impossible.

This is a Chilling plot based on the rape and violation of young girls. However there are no graphic descriptions. (Thank goodness!) It is a well written book with the emphasis on strong women. It is a grim picture of a future world... at least seen through the author's imagination.

Reviewer's Note:
Reviewed 2011
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