Another Review at MyShelf.Com

King's Wrath
Valisar Trilogy, Book 3
Fiona McIntosh

EOS / HarperCollins Publishers
November 30, 2010 / ISBN 978-0-06-158270-7

Reviewed by Linda Young

King Leothar gained the throne through brutality and bloodshed. However, he has ruled Penraven with great wisdom for the last ten years. Now two other Valisars believe it is their right to claim the throne. Leo, the king’s nephew, believes he is the rightful heir to the throne. He will use whatever means necessary to gain it, even to the point of losing himself and those who have supported him through the years. Piven, the once believed charming halfwit, is now a cruel but cunning madman determined to gain the throne for his own. All believe they are the rightful Heir to the throne.

Unknown to them all, the true inheritor of the Valisar Legacy is being called home to claim her crown. Evie is on her way back to Penraven: the land of her birth that she has never known. Will she be able to adjust and overcome the vast culture shock she has been thrown into? Will any of the Valisars live through the battle for the crown?

This is the third and final book in the Valisar Trilogy. Although I have not read the first two, this book does stand well on its own. When I first started reading this book, all I could think of was, “this is going to be another one of those long boring books.” I was wrong. Once I got into the story a little more, I found that each turn increased my interest a little more. As the story progresses you end up having about four different things going on at once. However, the author does a wonderful job at keeping things together so that you always know where you are in the story. Eventually it all comes together for the final battle.

I was quite impressed with McIntosh’s writing. It was well worth hanging in there for the rest of the book. I have not read the other two books in this trilogy, but I do believe it would be worth it. I highly recommend this book for those who love a good fantasy story. Fiona McIntosh did a wonderful job at building this world and its cultures. I will be reading more of her books in the future.

Reviewer's Note: Some graphic violence and language. Royal Exile & Tyrant's Blood

This book was originally published in 2010 by Voyager, an Imprint of HarperCollins Australia


Reviewed 2011
© 2011