Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Joe Kimball (pen name for J.A. Konrath)

May 2011/ ISBN 0441019188
Science fiction

Reviewed by Jan Fields

Talon Avalon is a timecaster. He can use a TEV to see into the past. Timecasters have basically brought crime to an end since it's easy to see exactly what happened and to track criminals. Timecasting is never wrong -- until the day Talon sees himself on his TEV killing a woman he has never met. Talon is instantly on the run, trying to find out exactly what is going on before his fellow peace officers catch him. The fast-paced action feels very familiar in this book, as we've seen this sort of plot in a dozen action movies where a regular guy ends up on the run in a situation he could never have expected. Think Total Recall meets Minority Report. Yet, even while the story feels very familiar, you just cannot help enjoying it because it's such an exciting thrill ride of a plot. Also Timecaster never takes itself too seriously, and offers plenty of laughs along with the

Reviewer Jan Fields is the editor of Kid Magazine Writers emagazine and has written dozens of stories and articles for the children's magazine market.
Reviewed 2011
© 2011