Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Bloodfire Quest
The Dark Legacy of Shannara – Book II
Terry Brooks

Orbit (Little, Brown)
March 2013 / ISBN-13: 9781841499789
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Reviewed by Rachel A Hyde

Anybody who read Wards of Faerie (also reviewed on this site) is surely cheering that the second part of the trilogy is at last out.  This is a new set of books about the magical land of Shannara and follows the adventures of various existing series characters.  The expedition to find the long-lost blue elfstones has not gone well.  The party has ended up in the Forbidding, a dangerous region where long-banished creatures like dragons and goblins live.  With not many of the party left, staying alive has become the most important issue.  Meanwhile Arlingfant has discovered something about the magical tree Ellcrys that could change everything…

  This is real fantasy; quests, dragons, elves, dwarves, magic the whole lot.  If you are thinking that it sounds too retro think again, for this is a land torn between magic and science, with steampunk style airships and a sinister SF style Federation.  I don’t think, however, despite the flyleaf’s words that this series is suitable for somebody who has not read any of the previous books.  It will certainly serve to whet your appetite to go back and read them, but by then you will have encountered rather a lot of plot spoilers, and puzzled your way through the parts of the story where a bit of prior knowledge would make all the difference.  This is an exciting tale for all that, and ought to remind anybody that good old classic D&D style stuff with a modernising tweak here and there is well worth reading. You are in safe hands with this author who essentially kick started fantasy way back in 1977 and a rattling good read is guaranteed with many plot strands and a lot of lively action.  Second books are often those where the plot treads water but new elements are introduced and expect some surprises.  Highly recommended.

Reviewed 2013