Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Man From Primrose Lane
A Novel
James Renner

Corsair (Constable and Robinson)
January 2013/ISBN-13: 9781472100146
Science Fiction

Reviewed by Rachel A Hyde

An elderly recluse known as the man with a thousand mittens is found murdered in his home on Primrose Lane. This might not seem like anything unusual to the public, but there is something very strange about the man and a certain government department is determined to find out more. Why did he buy so many mittens and other seemingly pointless items? It is going to be down to true crime writer David Neff to find out whodunit if he can, but David is deeply bereaved following the apparent suicide of his beloved wife What can her death have to do with the old man,s murder?

Most books have a beginning, middle and an end but this is one of those that plays with that idea, producing something shaped differently to a straight line. It sounds on the face of it to be a crime novel and it is, but there is a lot more within these pages than that. I can’t say it all took me by surprise but in many ways this is groundbreaking stuff, and well worth reading for a number of reasons. Intricately plotted and not a book to read casually this is one that requires time and attention on the part of the reader, just as considerable amounts of both have been lavished upon it by the author. Part science fiction, part crime novel and teetering cheekily on the verge of literary this is one that defies description, but will remain with you for some time after for all the right reasons. I look forward to seeing what Mr Renner comes up with for an encore.

Reviewer's Note: Some adult content US Edition is different

Reviewed 2013