Another Review at MyShelf.Com

My Real Children
Jo Walton

Corsair (Constable and Robinson)
21 August 2014 / ISBN 9781472115621

Reviewed by Rachel A Hyde


Patricia Cowan is an old lady living in nursing home. Her mind wanders and she is frequently described as being confused. She remembers two lives, the split having taken place when her boyfriend Mark asks her to marry him. If she did then she had four children, was known as Trish and stayed home, an unhappily married woman in a pleasant enough world. If she said no then she was known as Pat, had three children, was a travel writer and led a less conventional life in a happy home while the world fell apart. Which is real, and which imagined, or did they both happen?

Anybody who thinks that fantasy has to be about wizards and dragons needs to pick up a Jo Walton novel. You won’t find either of these things, but you will find fantasy – albeit of a very different type. This time she looks at the possibility of parallel universes, and the choices we make that could lead us – and the rest of the world – down very different paths. On one level this is about Patricia’s personal life, and the other it is about what happens outside this. If this rather delicious idea has a fault it lies in the rather too polemical treatment of the people and situations. Mark makes a terrible husband, while Bee is rather too perfect. The same can be said about the two versions of the world outside, but this author’s strength (apart from her imagination) is to create a big story in comparatively few words. Characters spring to vivid life almost immediately after we have been introduced to them, and it is impossible not to get involved. It also makes you think about life choices and what could have happened…fantasy to expand the true meaning of the word.

Reviews of other titles by this author

Prize in the Game
Tooth and Claw
What Makes This Book So Great


Reviewed 2014