Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Naomi Novik

Macmillan UK
21 May 2015/ ISBN 9781447294139

Reviewed by Rachel A Hyde


Young Agnieszka lives in the village of Dvernik in a land dominated by the baleful influence of The Wood. This corrupted place swallows up people, even towns and either they are never seen again or they are altered, and everybody lives in fear of it. Every ten years the local wizard, a man known as The Dragon selects a girl to be his servant and Agnieszka is certain that it will be her beautiful and brave friend Kasia. But The Dragon chooses her instead.

Ms Novik is well known for her Temeraire series, set in a world similar to ours but with dragons. This is another such place, similar to the Poland of folk tales full of picturesque villages, witches, wizards and magical creatures. The tale is told by Agnieszka herself, and she makes a good narrator being courageous, direct and despite her gifts ordinary enough. The Wood comes to life as a terrible place whose dire influence can strike at any moment with disastrous and usually permanent consequences. Agnieszka and the Dragon have to combat this, and despite its fairy tale ambience this is a dark tale, not for children. At first I thought it was going to be a romance, but despite some chemistry between the two protagonists The Dragon remains a mystery and the characters have far too much else to deal with. Instead this is a tale of battles against the darkness, with nobody quite sure who has been turned and who is what they seem. It is a linear story that could stand some editing but is mostly rather exciting, and rather original in its setting and the idea of a Wood being the villain. This is one to savor for its rich descriptions of people, places, and magic.

Reviewed 2014