Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Queen of the Dead #3
Michelle Sagara

Daw Books
February 7, 2017/ ISBN 9780756409074

Reviewed by Jan Fields


In the third book of the series, reluctant Necromancer Emma and her friends are ready to take the conflict directly to the Queen of the Dead in the Citadel of her making. The stakes are high for the book, but the plot moves slowly with lots of pondering and contemplation and reliving of memories in order to find what Emma should actually do to free the trapped dead without accidentally killing the living. For me, that made for a slow, slow book. For readers whose preference is character over plot, the deep examination of thoughts, motives, relationships, duty, guilt and love will surely be compelling reading. Once things do get moving at the end, I did get behind the story 100% as Emma and her friends (and enemies) are fascinating characters in a compelling situation. The mythos and world-building of the story is fascinating and beautiful, if sometimes creepy. The author also avoids the superficial feel of many teen love stories, mostly because the series recognizes that love can mean so many different things and take so many different forms, some of which are destructive. Overall, I didn't love the book and it did feel laborious in places, but I suspect that anyone who caught the series at the beginning will be impressed by the moving quality of the ending.

Reviewed 2017