Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Shatter War
Time Shards Series – Book II
BY Dana Fredsti and David Fitzgerald

Titan Books
24 September 2019/ ISBN 9781785654541

Reviewed by Rachel Hyde 


Amber, Cam and their friends have joined forces with the mysterious “Merlin” and are now aboard his 23rd century ship, the Vanuatu. But soon they are in trouble again as the ship is attacked by unknown forces and a new foe is thrown into the mix. Back on the shattered earth again but separated, they must fight to stay alive, and there is no shortage of enemies.

I love this series! Time travel has always been a favorite sub genre of mine and these books keep delivering. If you haven’t read the first in the trilogy, Time Shards, (also reviewed on this site) then do so first, as this is very much one long book rather than separate stories.

Earth has been shattered following “The Event”, and now resembles a broken patchwork of shards, bits of places in different periods. New characters, including an ancient Egyptian trader, Greek intellectual Hypatia, and a Cairene woman from the 1990s join the group, we get to find out more about what caused The Event and meet a dangerous new enemy. In the best classic SF tradition, the goodies will have you rooting for them. The villains are real baddies, but with action fiction like this, you won’t miss any shades of gray. There is so much going on all the time: attacks from prehistoric creatures; angry Egyptian priests; mobs of rebellious Greeks; Napoleon’s armies; and hordes of Nazis in the desert, together with Rommel. It is rather like being swept along on a tidal wave, a veritable tsunami of story and incident. I am already looking forward to the third and final part, and hope that these two talented authors team up again if this is anything to go by. One of my favorite books of 2019 so far.

Reviews of previous titles in this series

Time Shards #1

UK Reviewer: Rachel Hyde's work can be found in The Bead Magazine, Making Jewellery and
Reviewed 2019