Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Falling in Love for All the Right Reasons
How to Find Your Soul Mate

By Ken Abraham, Dr. Neil Clark Warren

     Single - that one word brings up a wealth of questions. At thirty-two I am still single, being a romantic at heart I keep holding out for that special someone to come into my life and sweep me off my feet. I know that special someone has to be out there somewhere just waiting for me. Often I catch myself throughout the day imagining what it would be like to be in a loving relationship - to have my own fairy tale relationship.

     It seems that my soul mate fantasy is very common. According to this book, my daydreams of a perfect love could be what are hampering finding a compatible mate. In an age when most marriages end in divorce you question whether or not it is really worth all of it. How many people settle for stability instead of holding out for true love?

      Dr. Warren has devoted thirty-seven years to researching the knowledge needed to find true and everlasting love. He is the founder of the popular Internet dating site Its members total over 3.2 million registrants with an average of 15,000 new members each day. Over 2,500 successful marriage has occurred due to his helpful advice.

     The method he uses is centered around twenty-nine key dimensions that reveal if a couple has a comparability to be a perfect match. After reading this book I gained a new respect for online dating services enough that I took the plunge and joined Keep your fingers crossed - Prince Charming could be logging on right now.

The Book

Center Street / TimeWarner
January 5, 2005
Non-Fiction/Self Help
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The Reviewer

Suzie Housley
Reviewed 2005
© 2005