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Juicing, Fasting, and Detoxing for Life:
Unleash the Healing Power of Fresh Juices and Cleansing Diets

by Cherie Calbom, MS with John Calbom, MA

      Author Cherie Calbom, MS, with John Calbom, MA, has penned a comprehensive cleansing manifesto in Juicing, Fasting, and Detoxing for Life: Unleash the Healing Power of Fresh Juices and Cleansing Diets. In the book’s introduction we read, "There’s no magic bullet in this process—it’s about giving your body what it needs to heal and stay healthy along with getting rid of what hinders the healing process... Your body was intended to function well... your body was designed to heal."

I appreciate the balance Cherie Calbom recommends: "Some people tend to go overboard on health and dieting. They become food police,,, driving themselves into a state of stress and exhaustion." Instead, Calbom suggests periodic short-term cleansing programs, along with adding more vegetables, and minimizing food products from animals. Calling fruit juice "liquid candy," Calbom focuses on juicing vegetables. The recipes and cleansing programs are not complicated either.

Calbom explains how the five primary organs of elimination function together to benefit the body, and how the body (and mind) suffer when these organs are overburdened due to environmental toxins, poor diet choices, or chronic stress. To halt the damaging effects of negative thinking, she advocates a mindful "spirit of imperturbability" and tells you how to achieve it.

To help the reader get started, Calbom tells what to look for in a juicer, what detox products may be useful and which to avoid, and outlines various detoxification schedules. There are cleansing diets for: colon, liver-gallbladder, kidney, lungs, skin, lymphatic system, Candida albicans, and heavy metal, and she prepares us for the notorious-but-meritorious "healing crisis." A handy resource guide is also included in the book.

Cherie Calbom is a registered nutritionist and author of several diet and juicing books. Juicing, Fasting, and Detoxing for Life: Unleash the Healing Power of Fresh Juices and Cleansing Diets is one-stop-shopping for anyone serious about improving their health by resolving health problems where they begin. You won’t be disappointed.

The Book

Wellness Central/Hachette Book Group
July 2008
0-446-58137-2 / 978-0-446-58137-0
Self-Help / Health
More at

The Reviewer

Deb Kincaid
Reviewed 2008
© 2008