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A Relentless Hope:
Surviving the Storm of Teen Depression

by Gary E. Nelson

      Parents with a teen who is in the throes of clinical depression just feel that they have no place to turn for help.  Gary Nelson brings new insight to overcoming teen depression in this caring book with sensible solutions that he has learned through his experience with his own son.  He advises to stop excusing behaviors and to learn to deal with the issues.

That depression and resulting suicide is the leading cause of teen deaths is a frightening premise, and gives us reason to fear for our children when we see behavior that could indicate depression instead of just the usual ups and downs of puberty.  Nelson addresses the confusion about just what depression is, and how it manifests itself differently in various individuals.  It is a clinical disease that often runs in families, but this book will help you to recognize real depression in your teen.  Nelson gives you the knowledge to explore the many dimensions and levels of the disease.

That the whole family should have professional therapy is a must. Certainly you will all live with frustration, and frequently desperation. Nelson also addresses spiritual issues, and this book expounds Christian values. It considers other faiths, too, and addresses the importance of faith in the life of a depressed teen. Gary Nelson and his family show what worked for them, and the main point of the book shows that parents must just keep loving their child through his progress in overcoming depression and all of the discouraging backslides that he may experience.

This book is highly recommended for parents, teachers, and counselors dealing with teenagers, as well as the teens themselves.

The Book

Cascade Books
May 2007
155635309X / 978-1556353093
Self help
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The Reviewer

Beverly J. Rowe
Reviewed 2008
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