Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Hardline Self Help Handbook
What are You Willing to do to Get What You Really Want?
Paula Renaye

Diomo Books
April 30, 2011/ ISBN 10: 0967478650
Non-Fiction / Self-Help / Happiness / Life Lessons

Reviewed by Nicole Merritt

I have read a lot of self-help books in my time - - back when they were on the hit parade, and this one doesn’t tell us anything new. I like this book, though, because it is straightforward and user friendly. The chapters are relevant and the workbook style is functional. At the end of every chapter are a couple of workable fill-in-the-blank questionnaires relating to what you have just read in the previous chapter. It puts the reference into workable solutions for the future.

Renaye does a nice job of sticking to the point and limiting the psychological mumbo jumbo usually associated with self-help material.

I found it easy to read and easy to apply. This one isn’t a Band-Aid fix; it’s a rip-it-off-all-at-once guide to getting over it. Pick it up if you want a crash course in how to fix what went wrong and not want to go back to childhood to do it!

Reviewed 2011
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