Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Stranger in Your House
When Your Teenager Becomes…
Gregory L. Jantz, PhD with Ann Mcmurray

David C. Cook
October 1, 2011/ ISBN 10: 1434766225
Non-fiction / Family Life / Christian
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Reviewed by Nicole Merritt

Jantz writes to provide information as to what your teenager’s behavior means; when to relax and when to worry. I think anyone who is troubled by their teen’s behavior can identify with the information in this book. It is a good reference guide to help with making the decision to obtain counseling or not.

Jantz provides a summary at the end of every chapter called “Bringing it Home” that helps pull the information together and asks the reader to consider the information they just read. It calls the reader to action.

He talks about the differences between boys and girls, hormones, and phases. This is helpful to parents who have not raised the opposite sex or are in unfamiliar territory when they are in a situation that calls on them to coexist with children different from their own experience.

The book is helpful and useful. I recommend that any parent read this and all literature that they can get their hands on during the “teen” stage. There are just no ready answers during this highly volatile period in their life. The chapter “When to Get Help” at the end of the book is useful in making that hard decision.

Reviewed 2011
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