Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Buddha Journey
Questions and Answers for the Awakening Mind
Quang Tri

Waldorf Publishing
October 15, 2016/ ISBN 101944781706
NonFiction / Religion and Spirituality

Reviewed by Nicole Merritt


Interestingly, the Buddha was born a prince in 623 B.C. He became frustrated with his royal life and, realizing that there is no permanence to life, sets out to find the meaning of all suffering. While sitting under a Bodhi tree he reached Nirvana and thus became the Buddha. His teachings, not unlike those of Jesus Christ who came after him, went on to teach Dharma and the Four Noble Truths with his five disciples.

The Buddha Journey is a handbook for those seeking information on the practice of Buddhism. This is an easy to read, written for laymen, text that delivers straightforward answers to complex questions. If you are interested in the teaching of Buddhism, want to begin practicing, or just curious about the history, this is a book that you should definitely choose as a basic primer. It also serves as a Buddhist’s etiquette guide.

I think many of us have had some curiosity about Buddhism. After reading this simple handbook, you will have a much more enlightened knowledge of this practice. The Buddha Journey will not lead you to Nirvana, but it may serve as a springboard to more resources on the subject.

In The Buddha Journey, you may find that your own journey is underway and the truths you discover may help you on your path. Peace be with you.


Reviewed 2016