Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Getting My Bounce Back
How I Got Fit Healthier and Happier (And You Can Too)
BY Carolee Belkin Walker

Mango Publishing Group
February 13, 2018/ ISBN 1633537102
Nonfiction / Health / Self-Help

Reviewed by Nicole Merritt


Carolee Belkin Walker describes herself, in 2011, as a strong 53 year-old woman in the midst of a successful career with the State Department. Yes, the U.S. State Department as a senior officer in the Department’s Operations Center. That's full command over communications between principal officers and foreign government leaders. That's pretty hefty stuff. Yet, two months into the job she curtailed operations because facing it, she couldn't cut it Failure #1.

Then in 2015, still on shaky emotional ground from failure #1, she failed to complete her first triathlon. Enter failure #2.

Personally devastated, she wrote an article describing her experience to "The Huffington Post." She received a reply to join their wellness bloggers. And so, the journey to bounce back had begun. Bouncing back was about losing weight, or was it? Confidence was already lost, so it was a lose-win situation, really.

Over the next year and more, Carolee wrote her blog to regain her confidence, push herself to ever increasingly new limits, and learn the truth about exercise, injury and bouncing back first hand and, of course, losing weight.

The truth is, she discovered, exercise is not an option. It now feels good to be told how good she looks, with the confidence to not be tugging at her clothes or self-consciously fixing the not right things about her body. She can enjoy life for what it is. This, of course, did not come without tenacity.

Reading her Blog is more than a journey; it's also an experience. I love her personal pseudonyms for the people in her life who helped her along the way; such as, Adorable and Really Smart. Just two of the many people who helped her. Undoubtedly, without these people, she could not have crossed the finish line with as much success.

She did it, and as she states over and over again, so can you.

Read it and reap!

Reviewed 2018