Spirit Singer
By Edward Willett
A ByteˆMe Teen Line read
Awe-Struck E-Books - 2002
ISBN: 1587490951 - e-book

Reviewed by Amy Mehta, MyShelf.com
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Amarynth's grandfather is Covehaven's Spirit Singer, a position that is held in high esteem by its villagers. The Spirit Singer is the person withthe power to protect the souls of his people when they die, and escort their souls to the other side. Amarynth teaches "The Master's Path" to the village children, in the tower where she lives with the Spirit Singer. She has been chosen by a higher power to continue the tradition, and is also in the process of learning the trade, when something happens that forces her to leave the village in search of other Spirit Singers.

This book takes the reader on a magical journey to a mystical land, and all within a hundred pages. Although it is listed as a teen line read, I would recommend it for more mature audiences, just in terms of the reading level. It goes a few steps beyond the Harry Potter books, so if they leave you wanting a more mature hero, this is the book for you.

It is a quick, but very satisfying read; I spent any free time I had reading over the two days it took me to read the story. I recommend this book for anyone that is in the mood for an adventure, whether or not fantasy is your thing. I don't read much fantasy, but I definitely look forward to reading the other books in this line. "Spirit Singer" definitely does not disappoint. I give the story a hearty two thumbs up.

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