Another Review at MyShelf.Com

What Happened to Cass McBride?

by Gail Giles

      Kyle Kirby thinks he has every reason to hate Cass McBride. She is the pretty, popular girl who will likely become the first ever Sophomore homecoming queen. Everyone likes her...except Kyle, who blames Cass for his brother's suicide.

David was a shy, introverted boy with no friends. He is goaded into asking Cass for a date, but she turns him down, gently, she thought. But then she wrote a note to her friend about refusing David's offer of a date, poking fun at him, and left it in the usual place. Unfortunately, David saw her slip the note into the hiding place, and picked it up. It was devastating to his fragile personality...the very last thing that he could tolerate, and he decided to just end it all.

Kyle is bent on revenge against Cass; a cruel and unusual revenge. He manages to get into her bedroom while she is asleep, drugs and kidnaps her, and buries her alive in a wooden box that he has constructed for just that purpose. When Cass regains consciousness and realizes that she has been buried alive, she is terrified.  But Cass, ever resourceful, knows that she must keep her captor talking long enough to exploit his fears and figure a way out  of her dilemma.  

Giles’ skill at characterization and plotting have combined to bring us a complex psychological thriller that you can't put down. It's a story of parental psychological abuse, and the difficulty of being a teen with a fragile  psyche.  Alternating between points of view, this frightening story will keep the most reluctant reader riveted  through the very last page.

The Book

Little, Brown
November 1, 2006
Teen / Young adult fiction
More at

The Reviewer

Beverly Rowe
Reviewed 2007
© 2006