Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Strand Prophecy

by J.B.B. Winner

      If you are reading this review and noting that the age group indicates this book is appropriate for ages 14 - 21, please know that I really wanted to write 9 - adult! The Strand Prophecy CAN be read and understood by children as young as 9 or 10, but WILL be enjoyed by readers of all ages (this 40-something reader certainly did).

Please pardon the pun, but this book is a winner! The themes are at once timeless and yet oh-so-current. Begin with Strand, a reluctant and burdened anti-hero who must put aside his personal desire to live his life as a reclusive scholar and scientist to step up and attempt to save the planet. He is a classic human / superhero (Batman and Ironman come to mind) who has almost unlimited financial resources and really cool techno-toys. Throw in a team of devoted sidekicks and a critical mission and this book seems on the surface to be just a really good narrative / graphic novel / comic hybrid.

Strand has learned that pollution and global warming have caused a series of rapid genetic mutations around the planet that threaten mankind’s very existence and embarks on a mission to save humanity. When his mission begins on the sidewalk outside the White House, includes not only the Secret Service, but something similar to Homeland Security, and involves genetic mutation caused by pollution and global warming, the story takes on an almost off-the-front-page feel. Unfortunately, the President of the United States, to whom Strand has come for help, has been too blinded by his own self-importance to listen to Strand’s claims. So Strand takes his warning to the People the best way he knows how - through the Internet.

The real heroes of this book are the creators of Strand - 13-year-old twins and their father! They currently have contracts for several sequels, a graphic novel, and a comic series, so fans of The Strand Prophecy have much to look forward to from this trio.

The Book

Missile Rider Publishing
March 1, 2008
Young Adult Fiction
More at
NOTE: Violence

The Reviewer

Louanne Clayton Jacobs
Reviewed 2008
© 2008