Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Claire de Lune
Christine Johnson

Simon Pulse (Simon and Schuster)
5 August 2010 / ISBN 1847389287
Teen / Fantasy Contemporary
Amazon US || UK

Reviewed by Rachel A Hyde

Claire Benoit is an ordinary girl until her sixteenth birthday, when she makes an unusual discovery – she is a werewolf! Her new boyfriend is the gorgeous Matthew Engle, but with their hometown of Hanover Falls experiencing a worrying werewolf problem it is Matthew’s father who is leading the hunt! All werewolves are not the same and soon Claire finds that she is not the only one in town…

Instead of a normal girl dating a supernatural boy this is the other way around. Teenagers (and a lot of other people) will recognize that this is basically a novel about being different, and also about growing up and struggling with relationships and burgeoning feelings. Ms Johnson wraps it all in the perennially fun idea of werewolves in our midst, and the characters are rather sweet, sensitive folk who create a story that sounds as if it could be dark, but is actually not. There is more in here too than just romance, and some of the most interesting parts of the book involve Claire meeting up with the other werewolves, and discovering this particular author’s invented werewolf mythos. If you like your paranormal romances dark and deadly this maybe won’t suit, but I felt that this is perfect for a younger teen that wants to get in on the act but is not ready for the full blown and more adult books. This sort of thing is what good YA fiction is surely all about.

Reviewers Note: US edition is different and in hardcover

Reviewed 2011
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