Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Department Nineteen
Will Hill

Razor Bill
April 2011/ ISBN 1595144064
Contemporary / Children Ages 9-12

Reviewed by Jan Fields

Jamie Carpenter's father was a traitor. Everyone says so, though Jamie isn't quite so sure. Then his mother is kidnapped and Jamie meets someone who cannot possibly be real -- but he is. This new friend brings Jamie to Department 19, the government agency that fights all the things that go bump in the night -- especially vampires. This book moves at a brisk, excitingpace. I was reminded several times of the Alex Rider spy series -- with monsters. It's a great book for male teen readers, especially with all the action, fighting, and even a bit of gore. The only thing I didn't like about the book is that it simply stops, leaving the reader hanging until the next installment. I never enjoy a series that doesn't wrap up some kind of story arc between installments. I tend to feel a bit cheated, like someone sold me only part of a book. So if you feel like that, you may want to wait for the whole series to come out so you can read them in rapid succession -- because once you start with Jamie, you're definitely going to want more.

Reviewer Jan Fields is the editor of Kid Magazine Writers emagazine and has written dozens of stories and articles for the children's magazine market.
Reviewed 2011
© 2011