Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Wildcat Fireflies
A Meridian Series, No 2
Amber Kizer

Delacorte Press
July 12, 2011/ ISBN 978-0385739719
Teen Fantasy

Reviewed by Jan Fields

In this second novel about Meridian, Sozu and Tens, they are on the road in search of other Fenestra like Meridian. Fenestra are half-angel humans who help the dying cross over to the afterlife. They are constantly in conflict with the Aternocti, demonic humans whose goal is to grab souls for their own
evil purposes.

This book alternates viewpoint between Meridian and the Fenestra she is to save, Juliet. Juliet doesn't know what she is -- she only knows her life has been one long chain of abuse in a truly evil nursing home where foster kids do all the work. I liked Juliet and her devotion to the children and the old people, and found her sections of the book riveting. She definitely came across as the more admirable character when compared to whiny, insecure, needy Meridian. There were moments where Meridian's unpleasantness made her very hard to like. However, the suspense of wondering if Meridian would get her act together soon enough to save Juliet kept me pulled in and reading. And I loved the minor characters, especially the quirky Rumi.

I'll definitely watch for the third book, but my hope is for fewer tantrums and less sulking from Meridian when she goes to help her next charge.

Book one: Meridian [amazon]

Reviewer Jan Fields is the editor of Kid Magazine Writers emagazine and has written dozens of stories and articles for the children's magazine market.
Reviewed 2011
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