Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Double-Edged Sword
The Nowhere Chronicles - Book I
Sarah Silverwood

Indigo (Orion)
5 January 2012 / ISBN: 9781780620596
Teen / Fantasy / England/Alternate Reality
Amazon US - UK

Reviewed by Rachel A Hyde

Sixteen-year-old Finmere Tingewick Smith leads an odd existence. Sometimes he is at a comprehensive school, sometimes at a private school but always having to make up stories to explain why. Then one day he gets to find out what it is all about, and then it is too late for school and any trace of normalcy. He is on his own and fighting for his life, heir to rather more than he bargained for…

Harry Potter this ain't, but fans of this type of book are likely to enjoy Fin's adventures in two different realities as he struggles with secret societies, magic swords and more. Ms Silverwood is adept at sketching in as much as we need to know at any given time in broad, rapid strokes so this one does indeed hit the ground running, even if it does flag at times. To its detriment this is more a boy's book on the whole, with one female character to a lot of men and the world it depicts - both worlds rather - is very much a man's one. There are not a lot of characters in this novel but this means that there is more opportunity to develop them, and this is one of the novel's strengths. Add in a cliffhanger ending and you are perhaps ready to tackle the next volume of this trilogy.

Reviewed 2012
© 2012