Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Dark Star
Bethany Frenette

Hyperion Books
October 2012/ ISBN

Reviewed by Jan Fields

Audrey Whitticomb knows her mother is a vigilanti, but more than that -- she's a superhero. Of course, Morning Star is also a mom and sometimes Audrey feels like her mom is a little overprotective. That is, until Audrey meets something in the dark that's after more than money, something with talons and razor-sharp teeth. Audrey learns that there are worse things in the dark than criminals and her family is called to fight these things. It's the legacy her mother has been trying to hide. Audrey isn't excited at the thought of fighting demonic Harrowers, but she knows she can't just stand around and let someone get hurt. I always get a little annoyed at novels where much of the tension comes from parents "protecting" kids by doing the one thing they know is likely to get the kid killed. It always seems to me that the parents need a little common sense. Still Audrey's mom clearly loves her and the interaction between the two is often quite touching. The Harrowers are wonderfully creepy and vicious. I found the world building interesting and look forward to seeing where the author goes in future books in the series. This is definitely a strong first book with a heroine who is just flawed enough to be awesome.

Reviewer Janis Fields is the editor of Kid Magazine Writers emagazine and has written dozens of stories and articles for the children's magazine market.
Reviewed 2013