Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Rachel Hartman

Corgi (Random House UK)
 January 3, 2013/ ISBN  9780552566001
Fantasy (teenage)

Reviewed by Rachel A. Hyde

Seraphina works as Music Mistress to the court and part of her duties involves teaching a young princess. On the face of it you would not notice such a quiet, unassuming young woman unless you heard her perform, but she is a woman with a secret.  Forty years earlier a truce was declared between the humans of Goredd and their neighbors the dragons and now a grand celebration is planned to commemorate the treaty.  But the crown prince has been found murdered minus his head, and Seraphina herself is actually half human and half dragon…
This is the first volume in a proposed series about the uneasy truce between the folk of quasi medieval/Victorian Goredd and the dragons who have the ability to assume human form.  It is a book with many themes; the teenage ones of feeling different and finding first love and a place in society, it is a political thriller, an examination of prejudices, a murder mystery and of course a fantasy.  Ms. Hartman has created some very interesting dragons and a real-seeming environment for her story that springs instantly to vibrant life..  If, there were dragons who could assume human form this is what would happen.  But the actual story, told in the first person by Seraphina, proceeds at a slow pace and lacks momentum to such a degree that I felt it was more about her life and outlook than murders, politics or anything else.  These things do happen, but they take rather a back seat to daily life and as a result the book, which is not very long, tends to plod. More plot is needed and a faster pace and with  these things the book  would be impressive indeed.  Worth reading, particularly if you are a teenager, but good rather than great.

Serphina [review 1]

Reviewed 2013