Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Tower of Thorns
Blackthorn & Grim #2
Juliet Marillier

November 3, 2015 / ISBN 0451467019
Teen / Young Adult/ Fantasy

Reviewed by Carmen Ferreiro


In this second book of the Blackthorn and Grim Novels, the healer, Blackthorn, and her companion, Grim, must solve the mystery of the beast trapped in the tower and break the curse that had kept him there.

We learn, as the story advances, that Blackthorn has lost her husband and child to the brutal chieftain, Mathuin, and was later imprisoned for confronting him. Freed by a fey, she is bound to him by a promise to help anyone who asks her, and cannot seek revenge until seven years have passed.

Blackthorn's resolve to comply is challenged by the arrival of a childhood friend, Flannan, who offers her an easy way to destroy Mathuin. So when Lady Geiléis comes asking for help to free her lands from the beast imprisoned in a tower of thorns whose anguished cries have caused the crops to fail and killed the cattle, Blackthorn agrees as a first step on going South to Mathuin.

Whether Blackthorn will keep her promise to the elf or risk her future by pursuing her revenge may be a moot point, because the more she learns about the curse, the more she is convinced that Lady Geiléis knows more than she is telling, and that the price to break the curse maybe her life. While the story of the Tower of Thorns is satisfactorily resolved, Blackthorn's and Grimm's story arc moves on to the next installment of this compelling series.

The story is told from three different points of view. Blackthorn's and Grimm's voices are quite distinct and their narratives work well together to give us a complete picture. On the other hand, I don't think Lady Geiléis's point of view was necessary, apart from her retelling of the origins of the curse, and this part could have been added on its own. But this is a small complain. Overall I enjoyed this story very much and can't wait to return to this primeval medieval Ireland Juliet Marillier has so believably recreated for us.

Reviewed 2016