Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Fortune's Magic Farm

by Suzanne Selfors


In the always-rainy town of Runny Cove, Isabelle spends long hours at the umbrella factory of the evil Mr. Supreme. She barely makes enough to support herself and her sick granny. Then a strange boy comes to tell her that she belongs somewhere else, somewhere infinitely better where family waits for her. Though Isabelle loves many things about sunny Fortune's Farm, she can't turn her back on the people she cares about back in Runny Cove, or can she?

This bright, charming book does a great job with the poor put-upon orphan story as Isabelle deals with both the ruthless factory owner and the greedy landlady at the rooming house where she lives with her granny. Plus, the non-human creatures bring a charming bit of humor to the story. From the slightly deaf elephant seal to the marmot with amazing throwing skills, they truly help the reader fall for this story. The story has a strong forward pace and an ending that is all the reader hopes for—funny, happy and completely satisfying.

The Book

Little, Brown
March 2009
031601818X / 9780316018180
Tween Fantasy Ages 9 - 12
More at

The Reviewer

Jan Fields
Reviewed 2009
NOTE: Reviewer Jan Fields is the editor of Kid Magazine Writers emagazine and has written dozens of stories and articles for the children's magazine market.
© 2009