Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The World of Poo
Terry Pratchett

Doubleday (Transworld UK)
7 June 2012 / ISBN 9780857521217
Fantasy Juvenile and up


Reviewed by Rachel A Hyde

Young Geoffrey is sent away to stay with his Grand-mama in the city of Ankh-Morpork while his mother has a baby. While he is there he finds out a number of interesting things about the many things that can usefully be done with poo. He even starts his own poo museum…

Anybody who has read Snuff (also reviewed on this site) will remember Miss Felicity Beedle and her delightfully scatological books for children. This is one of them, and it has been produced to look just like an old fashioned children's book complete with marbled endpapers, lots of line drawings and an attractively gold-blocked cover. It is even written just like one, with its well-bred young protagonist whose elder relations all have plenty of servants and everybody knows their place. Geoffrey goes to the zoo and a lavatory factory, investigates gardens and even meets Sir Harry Gold himself in his quest to find out about what happens after a certain bodily function. Terry Pratchett has the style off just right, a mixture of his usual Discworld wit and what might be termed antique juvenile literature. There are plenty of references to people, creatures and places from the other books and we get to see a few new ones too. It isn't quite the usual full-length novel but this author has never been a person to do just one thing and anybody who has enjoyed Where's My Cow (also reviewed on this site) will like this too. Clever and entertaining for a wide variety of ages.

Reviewed 2012