Humour Writing
The Art of Being Funny, 2nd Ed.
By Chandra K. Clarke
ISBN: 0-9730395-0-7
Nonfiction / Writing

Reviewed by: Brenda Weeaks, MyShelf.Com
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Chandra Clarke writes a humor column called "In My Humble Opinion." (New editions can be found at her website

In "Humour Writing" Ms Clarke shows writers, step-by-step, how to include humour in their work. She does so chapter by chapter, and recommends readers work a chapter a week for six weeks.

The six chapters are:
1. The Art of Being Funny
2. Where to Find Ideas
3. Generating Funny Material
4. Making It Schtick
5. Textual Harassment
6. It's Time For the Pitch

The chapter headings demonstrate the author's wit and that's exactly how she approaches the six lessons - with humour and facts, a good combination. In chapter one she starts off by explaining humor, and goes through the theories and types of humour - some much needed facts to help one understand the skill of writing humour. At the end of each chapter the author assigns homework.

It's not as hard as it seems and actually fits into one's everyday life. For instance, in chapter two she recommends building a humor file of things one comes across that tickles his or her funny bone. From chapter one to chapter six, the author leaves no stone unturned on how to recognize, understand, and incorporate humour in one's writing. It really is an easy-to-read, easy-to-understand teaching tool generously written to benefit writers, especially beginners. Those who do purchase "Humour Writing" will find it's one for the keeper shelves.

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