Another Column at MyShelf.Com

Behind the Fiction, Past
A Fiction Column
By Michael G'Francisco



The term Bible fiction refers to the works of fiction which uses characters, settings and events taken from the various Bibles or Old Testaments. The degree of fiction in these works varies between the writings of Christians and Jews.

Did a man name Jesus live 2000 years ago? The majority of this planet’s inhabitants agree that he did. Still, there are the doubts of the few. The majority believe his story is told in the records of the four gospels by the four Evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. However, there are those who contend that the original authors were “anonymous” because their writings weren’t signed by those fore mentioned.

They claim that the names were added at a later date. Well, really, what difference does it make? Does an author who writes a biography always know his/her subjects? No, not always.

In the case of Jesus, his teachings were known by many, which means anyone could have written a gospel. The gospels relate, in parables, the stories of a man’s life called Jesus, his death by crucifixion and his rising again. Are these the true definition of a man named Jesus of Nazareth?

Ten of his twelve followers were put to death because they testified that he did, in fact, rise from the dead. One would say they believed.

Let’s ponder on Matthew’s parable 13, The Parable of the Sower: After Jesus gave his parable, to the crowd assembled, about the seeds and weeds contained in his parable, he was asked, “Why do you speak to the people in Parables?” He replied, “Because the knowledge of the secret of the Kingdom of Heaven has been given to you, but not to them. Whoever has will be given more and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from. This is why I speak to them in parables.”

The Catholic Bible doesn’t refer to its stories as fiction, instead it uses the word parable, which are stories that reveal a spiritual truth.

If one takes the time to read the parables, of the many spiritual books, one might get confused in modern day thinking. It could easily be taken for answering a question with a question, which is really not an answer.

The Bibles: Tanakh or Hebrew Bible has 24 books, the Protestant Old Testament has 39 books, the Catholic Old Testament has 46 books and the Eastern Orthodox Old Testament has 51 books. Almost all of them were written in Hebrew and just a sparse few were written in Aramaic and Greek. All are considered canonical collection of sacred text.

Now, let’s take a question from the Holy Bible. When Pontius Pilate, the Roman Governor of Judea, asked Jesus, “What is truth” (John 18:38)? He receive no answer.

So, let’s analyze what four ancient philosophers had to say about truth Before the Common Era (B.C.E.):

Plato born in 424/423 B.C. E. in Argina Greece, who taught Platonic ideals, said “that we can know truth if we, sublimate our minds to their original purity.”

Arcesilaus born in 316/315 B.C.E. in Pitane in Aealis, said “that our understanding is not capable of knowing what truth is.”

Carneades born in 214-129 B.C. E. in Cyrene, North Africa, who was an Academic skeptic stated “that we can never comprehend truth; and not only that, but even our senses are inadequate in assisting us in the investigation of truth.”

Gorgias born in 485 B. C. E. in a Greek colony in Leontini, Sicily, another Sophist (one who flirts with the truth) said, “what is right but what we prove to be right? And what is truth but what we believe to be truth.”

Socrates born in 469 B.C.E. in Athens, Greece created the Socratic Method, which is a question and answer method to stimulate critical thinking to prove a point of right or wrong.

Philosophical Skepticism is a school or method of thought which critically examines a meaning. Et alii, other philosophers hold that all knowledge is impossible, except for the knowledge that all other knowledge is impossible.

So, from these examples of classical philosophical reasoning, truth appears to be a hazy concept, or a philosopher’s subjective interpretation; or perhaps very little at all.

Ancient Hebrew text dates back to the Hasmonean dynasty (140-37 B.C.E.), which can tend to prove, maybe, just maybe, there is a blurred gray line in all of the Old Testament’s writings, regardless whether they are Hebrew, Protestant, Catholic or Eastern Orthodox.

Before anyone can accept the writings in these Old Testaments as the teachings of a man called Jesus, one must first try to understand what it means in their life. Is salvation the resurrection of the soul not the body, true?

Ok, let’s not ask if the different versions of the holy books are true or false, instead let’s ask a few questions.

1. Did the biblical places exist? Yes, archaeologist have found evidence of locations.

2. Did the events described happen? Again, archaeologist have found locations that battles did occur in excavations of buried cities.

3. Does this mean that they are true since there are places and events that the mystical things occurred? There are too many versions and related stories that vary in their findings to conclude that the writings are absolutely true or false.

Let’s consider and ponder the following:

If the God of the Bible exists, then his existence is different than the universe.

After all, according to the Bible he created all things, which must include the universe.

Now, consider this, I’m creating this article and my existence is different from this article. Is there any prove that I wrote this article? It can only be proven as fact because I’m real and have signed this article?


Now, go softly into the night. mgf

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